July 27, 2011

Two Things

In order to become a better writer, there are two important things you need to do everyday.

1. Write (it doesn't have to be lengthy, just do it)

2. Read

Writing is a craft, a skill that improves with practice. The first draft of my book, Torn Apart, is very, very different from the final draft that was sent to the printers. The subject, timeline, characters and plot development didn't change, but the way I presented it did.

Reading keeps your mind fresh and open for new ideas and inspiration. If you want to focus on a specific type of writing—fiction, historical, romantic suspense, YA, non-fiction, whatever you choose—read those kinds of books.

I can't over emphasize how important these two things are. If I don't read even just for a few days, it affects my writing. Writer's block sets in much faster. I'm less motivated and easily discouraged when I sit down to work on a current project.

If I don't write, I lose momentum. The new ideas and inspiration I gain from reading become less clear and often forgotten. It takes more effort to start again. than it does to keep it going if I'm writing every day.

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