June 21, 2012

A Glimpse of Heaven

Even though Joanna was a happily married wife, the mother of six children, fulfilled as a woman, and active in her church she had been suffering with severe headaches and depression for so long, with no relief in sight she was planning on committing suicide. 

Joanna writes:

"I didn't make any requests for help that night. I was certain I was beyond help. I explained to God that He knew and I knew that I had given my fight everything I had. I told God that I was done and that I had nothing more to give. I apologized for not being able to do better. I thanked Him for the good things He had blessed me with. Then. I told Him that I could not endure the pain any longer and that if He chose to send me to hell that would be okay-I knew with certainty that hell could not be worse than what I was currently suffering. I explained that I would be ending my life the following day and from there what happened to me would be in His hand. I then crawled back into bed and cried myself to sleep..." click to read more 

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