October 15, 2013

Who's in charge?

A few weeks ago I was on my way home and had just exited the freeway. I had gone less than a block when I saw a blind man walking towards the center-line of the street. The car in front of me stopped and waited until it was safe to continue around him. I pulled over to the shoulder instead, parked my car and got out feeling rising concern. I approached the man and touched him on the arm. "Sir, you're walking in the middle of the street, can I help you to the sidewalk?"

A little disoriented, he agreed, telling me where he was headed. The address was close, but in order for him to get there, he would have to walk along the freeway overpass. I quickly decided taking him myself would be safer, except I was alone. Having a strange man in the car with me, blind or not was probably not the smartest idea. I told him to wait for me while I went and picked up my teenage son, a few minutes away.

When we got back, we helped the man into the back seat and drove him to his destination, his place of employment. He had inadvertently left something there he needed to pick up. Afterwards he needed to catch the closest Trax Train to get home. I offered to drive him to the station, another five minutes away. He was extremely grateful. My son helped him out of the car, got him situated and we left.

As I pondered on the experience I realized it was a good reminder. In life we are like that man who was blind--when we forget to include God in all we do. If we let fear and doubt overcome us when we're struggling with hard things, then we're unnecessarily walking down the center-line towards unseen oncoming traffic. Our loving Heavenly Father won't ever leave us lost and alone if we pray to Him for help--then listen.

One of my favorite scripture comes to mind:

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct the paths.

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